#3: Pop Up Event – August 2nd @ National Night Out

The Project Team staffed a booth at the Simi Valley Police Department’s National Night Out held on August 2, 2022. We discussed our review of existing conditions, similar to the first pop-up event, as well as collected feedback about specific potential high-level design strategies for the specific plan areas. Feedback we heard at this event, and future events, will help the team tailor the design requirements that the specific plans will apply to future development projects in the area.

We heard a lot of great feedback from the community. Some key takeaways are listed below.

Overarching Themes

  • The City should retain a community-oriented atmosphere and maintain its aesthetic.
  • The specific plan and the economic development strategy update should strengthen and support local businesses to thrive (with a specific interest in sit-down restaurants, cafés, and bars).
  • The specific plan should consider requiring a greater percentage of affordable units per development and maintain an affordability threshold.
  • There is a consensus that affordable homeownership opportunities (e.g. condominiums) are preferred over rental units.
  • The community is interested in increasing mobility options by adding bike lanes, improving bus operations, decreasing parking for key commercial uses (e.g. restaurants), and improving connectivity to the train station.

Other Common Sentiments

  • Generally, “Scenario 2” for both Tapo Street and Los Angeles Avenue Corridor Areas design/zoning strategies received significant support; “Scenario 1” design/zoning strategies also received positive support but to a lesser degree.
    • Note: The final Specific Plan will likely adopt a mix of the top strategies from Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
  • Residents want enhanced walkability and pedestrian safety to local shops and restaurants.
  • There is an increased interest in bike lanes and semi-dedicated bus lanes.
  • There is a lack of interest in either parallel or diagonal parking for both Los Angeles Avenue and Tapo Street.
  • There is a mixed interest in more senior housing and amenities, while others suggested alternative opportunities for other types of affordable housing.
  • Pedestrian paths and pocket parks received significant support, including general support for recreational opportunities.
  • New developments should consider proximity to the sidewalk to avoid crowding the walking environment; a recent development along Cochran St (near Target) was brought up by multiple participants as a negative example.
  • There is a significant concern on the potential traffic impacts from new dense developments.
  • Several residents expressed concern about the retail vacancies.
  • Strong support for design standards that would reinforce quality building design and enhanced setbacks (e.g. attractive storefronts, landscaping, outdoor dining or other seating areas, etc.).  

Note: This is a summary of feedback heard at the August 2nd event. Summaries of feedback heard at previous events are also available on the project website. As additional outreach events are conducted; the project team will continue to revise the project goals and recommendations to reflect the needs of the community.