Specific Plans

Project Area

The Envision Simi Valley project will develop a community vision for the Los Angeles Avenue Corridor and the historic Tapo Street Area (see map below). This vision will identify how the Los Angeles Avenue Corridor could become a Downtown area for shopping, entertainment, and mixed use residential development. It would also establish a neighborhood identity for the Tapo Street Area, with increased walkability and diverse commercial and residential opportunities. The ultimate goal is for the City to establish zoning and policy to encourage housing construction, attract new businesses, and increase the quality of life in Simi Valley.

The community visions will be enforced by specific plans. The plans will be long range regulatory documents that will guide development in these areas over the next several decades.

Outreach Boards

We bring several presentation boards to each outreach event we hold. Each board is tailored to describe an aspect of the project, and many are interactive to allow participants to vote on their preferred topics, precedents, and design strategies. Click the link below to view and comment on the boards.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a specific plan?

An adopted specific plan replaces the base zoning district(s) for a given area. The development standards and guidelines identified in the Specific Plan take precedence over the general standards and guidelines contained in the Development Code. Specific Plans must be adopted by ordinance.

What will the plans propose for these properties?

The specific plans will propose a set of rules (development standards) that will control the size, scale, density, and types of projects that can be built in the highlighted areas.

Envision Simi Valley is not a development plan. That means the specific plans will not dictate specific buildings be torn down or replaced. Instead, the plans will establish rules that will apply to all new buildings. The specific plans are long-range (20-30 years) and not every property highlighted in orange will redevelop right away or at all. Any property within the boundaries that does redevelop, however, will need to follow the rules established by the specific plans.

The Project Team produced conceptual plans to test physical and market feasibility of new design and development standards on select sites, but these plans are not prescriptive and will not be mandated or enforced in the final Specific Plan.

How were the boundaries of the two areas determined?

The boundaries for these two areas were informed by the boundaries of opportunity areas defined in the General Plan and overlay districts identified in the Municipal Code. The boundaries also exclude the neighboring residential communities so that they may remain unaffected by the specific plans.


This report summarizes relevant adopted plans as well as key characteristics across the City and within the two specific plan areas relating to land use, urban design, and mobility and connectivity.

This report summarizes two scenarios for each study area, each with a set of goals and land use concepts as well as accompanying street improvements for Los Angeles Avenue and Tapo Street. These concepts are for illustration purposes only, and were designed to solicit feedback from the community via the website and at public outreach events. You can vote on these scenarios here. Property owners will be able to develop their own site plans according to the final Specific Plan’s development and design standards, and will not be required to match these concepts.

The final specific plan will include the most favored elements from the two scenarios based on City and community feedback.

Outreach Events

Completed Events
Upcoming Events